What a wonderful time of celebration, rest and relaxation! I hope each of you enjoyed this holiday season. As we enter into this New Year, the word that comes to mind is: reflect. Reflect means to mirror or reproduce....to think about or wonder about.....to reproduce or reveal. Each year going into a New Year, we often find ourselves making resolutions (promises or declarations) that we often do not keep.

Ultimately.........reflect on the word of God! The word will show us our purpose, our objectives and our goals. The word of God not only shows us our outer but penetrates deeply within our hearts to show our inward parts. It will show us a reflection of ourselves, and reveal right where we are. So, if we desire to press forward we must reflect, mirror, and reproduce the word of God. It will not lead you astray. The word IS truly a lamp unto our feet and light unto your path!
James 1:23-24 (NLV)
23 Anyone who hears the Word of God and does not obey is like a man looking at his face in a mirror.
24 After he sees himself and goes away, he forgets what he looks like.
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Blessings, peace and love to each of you!
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