Monday, March 26, 2012


Good Day Everyone

I hope all is well and that you had a wonderful weekend.  Truly God is a keeper and He is faithful unto us. Getting right to it this morning.  Opinions are those views, beliefs, feelings and ideas that we all have about something or someone.  We go wrong when we feel the need to voice those opinions even at the detriment of somebody else without thinking. I (Cheryl) am so guilty.  What am I saying?  We must be careful in our assumptions or opinions, that we fall not into a judgmental frame of mind.  I don't think many people see an opinion as a form of judgment. The bible clearly says, "Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you."

Let us be mindful of the fact that we all have different walks of life.  We have no idea what path another individual must walk. I am learning as should we all to keep our opinions to ourselves. Don't allow everything that hit our lips, ears, and eyes, to come out of our mouths. Think.......who does this edify, or what purpose does it serve?  If it serves no purpose or does not enlighten or improve that situation shut it down! In other words keep it to yourself, and don't  allow others to influence your view merely based on their opinion.  As the bible said, "Prove all things; hold fast to that which is good."

Have a fabulous week!

Peace, blessings and love

Friday, March 23, 2012

Planting a Seed

Good day beautiful people,

Allow me to apologize for my late posting this week. All is well and God is so AWESOME!!  I am still here and still pressing forward with what God has enabled me to do.  Sometimes you have to step back, re-group and re-focus. I am so honored to be able to share and recognize this as my reasonable service.  We must all recognize the impact that we have on the lives of others in whatever capacity we operate in.  This could be good and it could be negative.

It basically goes back to the principle of sowing and reaping. Remember some will plant, some will water, but only God will give the increase.   Again, we are the image of God....our Creator.  Because of this He has put a demand on each of us to touch somebody's life in word and in our actions.  So let us not be selfish when He gives us a mandate that affects others. (Talking to me) That mandate can be grand or something so simple as a word, a hug, or just listening.  Trust Me! You will know when God is leading you verses you leading you.  When He is in control everything falls right into place, so it is up to us to act when He leads. Let us not allow our gifts and capacity to become a hindrance to somebody's growth, because we did not plant or water when God instructed us to do so. One more thing;  this mandate is not just for leaders, those in positions, or those with titles, etc. It is for US ALL. Let the Lord use you right where you are.  

Peace, blessings and love to each of you

1 Corinthians 3:9

9 For we are fellow workmen (joint promoters, laborers together) with and for God; you are God's garden and vineyard and field under cultivation, [you are] God's building.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

To my Rapper Brothers and Sisters

As a Rapper, there is the need to fully utilize the gift of word that you have.  I mean many of you are truly gifted.  My criticism for each is the language that is used.  There is always some controversy regarding something that was  spoken in your lyrics.  The latest apology comes from Iggy Azalea.  She apologized for this lyric:  “when the relay starts I’m a runaway slave…Master, shitting on the past gotta spit it like a pastor."  She in essence apologized saying that she was not saying she was a slave owner, etc, etc. I am not going to get into all that she said or even try to explain it. Google it! 

I am bringing this up to say that if we think before we speak.......Wow! There would be no need for an apology.  To even make reference to slaves in this capacity is ignorance.  Go study history and learn about this period before you make reference to it.  How can any of us possibly relate?  If we truly understood what this time (slavery) represented, we would give it more respect. To my Rapper brothers and sister: It is not always about making a buck.  You do not have to be nasty or negative in your lyrics.  Really! If you truly knew the power that words have, you would not continue down this path.   We possess the power of life and death in our tongue.  This is the most unruly, and poisonous member of the body.  Step clean it up.  Think before you what you say!  Please.

Monday, March 12, 2012


Good morning Beautiful people,

Another fabulous day that the Lord has made. We rejoice and are glad in it!  I hope each of you had a great weekend.  I think it's time for a cruise or something :o) Weekends are busy, and they come and go so quickly. Ok, enough of my venting. "Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you." We often fear (panic, worry and dread) those things that are before us. We fear those decisions we have to make; we fear people, things and even living our lives the way God intended us to live.  Remember He makes no mistakes.  God has not given us a spirit of fear. "He has given us a spirit of power and of love and of calm and well-balanced mind and discipline and self-control."

The only fear that we should have, which is good, is fear of the Lord.  We acknowledge him for all that he is and represent in our lives.  We reverence him!  The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom! Anyone that does not fear Him is a fool! Sorry to be so point blank with it, is what it is. Also remember, there is no fear in love, and we know that God IS love! I encourage each of us to step out there and do what you know you are capable of doing. Take a chance....take risk! You want know until you do it.  I am really talking to ME!  Don't be afraid and continue to trust God. Know that He will bring you and see you through.  Living in fear is no life! Living in God is life and that more abundantly.    

Peace, blessings and love to each of you.

Friday, March 9, 2012

New Exciting Day! Rejoice!

Greetings lovely people,

This is the day that the Lord has made. We rejoice and are glad in it.  Marvelous day to each of you.  I hope all is well and that you had a great weekend. Just a quick word of encouragement this morning because I have much happening this morning. The grace of God is sufficient, and his mercy made new unto us this morning. I personally want to say that I love each of you with God's love and want wish you much happiness, joy, peace and prosperity.  I choose to speak life over everything that would seek hinder progress in our lives. We each have power to speak over our situations, so watch what you say. 

I want to leave you with something that a wonderful young lady shared with me some time ago.  In the search for me, I discovered truth.  In the search for truth, I discovered love.  In the search for love, I discovered God. And in God, I have found everything."  HE IS EVERYTHING!  Once you find him you will search no more. I love HIM!!

Isaiah 41:10 Amplified Bible

10 Fear not [there is nothing to fear], for I am with you; do not look around you in terror and be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen and harden you to difficulties, yes, I will help you; yes, I will hold you up and retain you with My [victorious] right hand of rightness and justice.