Marvelous Monday to each of you,
I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help. My help comes from the Lord, which made heaven and earth. Had that verse on my mind this morning. I hope you all have a terrific weekend. Had a very busy weekend traveling to Delaware to say goodbye to a friend. It was a great send off with much love. This was a friend of our family, and my husband was asked to give the eulogy which went beautifully. The beauty of this celebration was, there were so many different walks of life represented. Everyone in attendance was not necessarily a believer. It is in these situations where God is able to showcase himself through you. It is our mandate to share and show the love of God wherever we go, and we did that. Someone else will plant, water, and ONLY God will give the increase.
This trip just reminded me of what our Lord instructs us to do. This thing is way bigger than maintaining our own importance within the walls of a church. It will require that we go out and compel them to come as the bible tells us to do. No, everybody is not going to come to your church but still plant the seed. Sorry to get on that tangent. When you lose people you wonder; did I do my part sharing the love of God with them? You certainly don't want to have any regret that you did not. I am just a little tired of how we in a general sense focus more on religious antics, and stuff that does not edify anybody but us, and less on souls. I MUST do better! We as a body of believers must do better. Peace, blessings and love.
Luke 14:23
King James Version (KJV)
23 And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.
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