Monday, April 23, 2012

God's strenght made perfect in your weakness

Good morning beautiful people,

God is GREAT, and greatly to be praised! Marvelous Monday to each of you.  I hope all is well and that you are rested and ready to roll.  Today is another beautiful day that the Lord has made, regardless of the rain and colder weather.  What makes it most beautiful is that you can see God even in the midst of it all.  So rejoice and be glad in it! Again we have so much to be thankful and grateful for. Things could really be way worse than our current conditions (war, economics pressures, weather conditions across this country, and just life issues).  In all of this there is somebody experiencing something way worse than any of us can fathom.

I specifically think about and pray for people affected by tornados and weather conditions across the land.  Having to bury family members and then rebuild their lives.  The testimony in it all is to see and hear these very people give God honor even in the midst of their adversity.  They share their sadness with the world regarding their losses, but they also share their hope,  recognizing that they will bounce back and rebuild.  In that moment of their weakness, God gives them power and strength. They display the strength of God in their testimony. I say all that to say that,**His grace is sufficient for thee: His strength is made perfect in weakness**  His grace is enough and available to meet our needs. All he wants us to do is to acknowledge him during those moments of weakness, and wait on him to bring us out. "Those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength." It is all in His timing, not ours!

p.s. I better end here because I could go on and on and on. 

Peace and blessings to each of you. 

Isaiah 40:31 Amplified Bible (AMP)

31 But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall lift their wings and mount up [close to God] as eagles [mount up to the sun]; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become tired.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Truth-giving Spirit

Marvelous Monday to each of you,

What a wonderful weekend once again.  I hope each of you are rested and ready to make things happens.  Perk it up! Yeah its Monday and it will be a great day.  Surely we are grateful to see it, and certainly taking nothing for granted.    We have so much to be grateful for! Merely because he thinks enough of us to grant us new mercies every morning.  How dare we take that for granted.  I read a quote that said, "Each new day is God's gift to you.....what you do with it is your gift to God.  How profound and true is this?  So make the very best of each day that He gives you and I. 

I have been feeling a little overwhelmed lately with various things going on in my life.  Not a bad thing but needing direction kind of feeling. Just needing guidance.  In this flesh we become overwhelmed, but it is the spirit of God that makes intercession on our behalf. I was convicted and reminded that the spirit of God that lives within me serves as my guide.  We must acknowledge Him as such.   My prayer this morning is that the Holy Spirit will overtake our lives. The Holy Spirit is that part of the Trinity (the Father, the Son, and the Holy spirit) and these three are one.......GOD. The Holy Spirit alone is the spirit force of God. The bible says that it is the spirit of God that will lead you and guide you into all truths. Anything other than the Spirit of Truth is the spirit of deception. As we seek after God and get a clearer understanding of His ways, we recognize His Spirit. Just ask for guidance, and direction because He is there to assist you.

Peace, love and blessings to each of you.

John 16:13 (Amplified Bible)

13 But when He, the Spirit of Truth (the Truth-giving Spirit) comes, He will guide you into all the Truth (the whole, full Truth). For He will not speak His own message [on His own authority]; but He will tell whatever He hears [from the Father; He will give the message that has been given to Him], and He will announce and declare to you the things that are to come [that will happen in the future].

Monday, April 9, 2012

Don't live life creating regrets! Finish!

Good morning beautiful people!

I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend. I certainly did and hated to see it end!  Guess it caught up with me this morning because I am running a little behind; nevertheless, so grateful! What a wonderful celebration of the resurrection of our Lord.   He lives!!! And because He live we can face tomorrow! man took His life....He laid down His life so that we might have life and that life more abundantly.  Oh how I love Him because He first loved me/us! Just the thought of His love towards me invigorates me, strengthens me and energizes me. WHEW! I get so much joy!!! Forgive me but I feel so good in my mind, body and spirit. 

The encouragement this morning is to just keep it moving! Life is so precious and we must make the most it and make things happen.  I recently received my Bachelors degree after years of struggle to get it.  But the key thing is that I finished!! It is so easy to start things, quit, give up and never finish. We are such a capable people and God has blessed us with every necessary tool to finish what we start. "Now you should finish what you started. Let the eagerness you showed in the beginning be matched now by your giving. Give in proportion to what you have." This discourse of scripture related to giving but also applies to finishing, giving of your substance, and giving of yourself. Don’t live life creating regrets.  What you could have done or should have done.  Just do it! Bring that thing to its concluded end.  You can do it! We can do it!     

Peace, blessings and much love.

God has your back

Good morning Everyone,

Another beautiful day to still be here.  We are thankful and grateful to our God. I hope each of you had a wonderful weekend. I certainly did, and it was capped off with communion in honor of our Lord. Many of you know how I feel about this occasion. This is THE most special and important aspect of my walk with the Lord. Please bare with me for a minute.  This we do in remembrance of HIM.  "Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me......This cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me."........................Selah! Oh how I love HIM because He first loved me.

This scripture has been ringing in my head this morning and I would like to share it with you. "But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head." In other words, he is our protector and he shields us on all sides. It is he that bestows beauty and splendor upon each of us......and He lifts our head high. Isn't it encouraging to know that HE(Our God) has our backs.  You can go through anything knowing that God is your buffer or that barrier, and WILL not allow you to be defeated. Through every trial, every test,  and every storm, we have this assurance. You cannot put that guarantee on any man.......BUT God!

I hope this makes sense to you all. Most of the time it is difficult to capture the essence of God and his greatness on paper. HE is truly beyond words! 

Peace and love to each of you.  Have a great week.