Monday, February 13, 2012

Rest in Peace Whitney Houston

Good morning Everyone,

I hope everyone had a good weekend.  Mine was very busy, but good nonetheless.  Of course the big event was the loss of our dearly beloved sister Whitney Houston.  Our hearts and prayers go out to her family and all of those affected.  It is not a time of judgment by anybody because that is not our role. We have all fallen short of His glory and are not in a place to cast any judgment. The bible said, "There is none righteous (blameless, upright), no, not one"  So, in the coming days as we hear the various stories, rumors, etc, let us keep this in mind.  This is a time of reflection and gratefulness for the God given gift of Whitney.  She was a blessing to so many people across the globe, and will truly be missed.  May she now rest in peace. 

With all of that said, I am reminded of the quote....."live, laugh and love." God has blessed us with the ability to do each of these things.  Take full advantage of your life and live it.  Don't allow drama and foolishness to control your life. Laugh as much as you can, and know that it is the joy of the lord that will give you strength to live. cap off this quote, "love." There is NO greater love than God's love.  When his love becomes real in your heart, you can love with HIS love.  Notice I said HIS love and not your definition of love. TRUST ME....his love makes it easy for you to love people, regardless of their actions.  Do these things today.....tomorrow is not promised to you. 

Peace, blessings and love to each of you. 

Philippians 1:21
21  For me to live is Christ [His life in me], and to die is gain [the gain of the glory of eternity].

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