Monday, October 15, 2012


Good morning beautiful people,

We love and honor the Lord this morning for His goodness, His mercy, His loving-kindness, and His grace.  If it were not for the grace of God, where would we be. I realize everyday that I need Him more and more!! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. We just ended out annual convocation at church (FGKC) and boy is my life being changed.  We have been dealing with transformation, which is our theme for the year of 2012....Minding those things that matter. In other words getting our minds right so that we can be transformed and walk out the plan and purpose God has for us. This requires going through the process of change specifically in our minds, even if it painful....even through the that we are truly changed.  Yes, it is clique to say I have been changed, but have we really? 

Every part of our being must be changed from our head to our hearts.  This type of change requires surgery which in itself is a painful process as you go through the various stages; surgery...recovery ....and the healing process. It is a process over some time that requires your complete trust in God to bring you out. If your mind is right, your heart and overall being will follow.  Our prayer is simply this:  Let the words of our mouths and the meditation of our hearts be acceptable in Your sight, for You are our strength and our redeemer.  This speaks to the mind and the heart. Hold on...change is coming! Prayer request: Please pray for the Heatherman family.  You may not know them or the situation but I ask that you please pray for them.  Thank you.

God bless each of you and have a wonderful week.

“And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength: this is the first commandment. ~Mark 12:30

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